Calling a Thing by Its Name

Ah, here we have another draft, this time from 2013. The year I became so vocal about so many things. Alas, which thing was I calling by name this time? We’ll never know.

There are so many things in this world. Big things, small things. Some are as big as elephants, some as tiny as bees. That reminds me of the Elephant in the Room vlog I did here once upon a time. No clue where that one is, but it’s here someplace. That post definitely had substance, unlike this one. It also pissed off a few people, which terrified me at the time but now amuses me to remember.

I think perhaps the point of this draft was to explore the necessity of calling a rose a cabbage or a spade a spatula or whatever that damn saying is. Go ahead, I dare you to think of the correct phraseology now that I’ve muddled it so horrifically.

Maybe I was delving into philosophy for toddlers. No, that’s not a chair, that’s a floor. I know, they are sooo similar. Don’t worry, we’ll get there. The confusion between the ‘dandelion’ and ‘goldenrod’ crayons is a huge issue these days, didn’t you know? Don’t even get me started on ‘maraconi and cheese’. If you were in stream that one time you remember I delivered an entire dissertation on the subject of crayons.

I suppose it really is true. I have a talent for talking about absolutely nothing with a passion for entirely too many hours in a day. I never thought that was the case, but we now have hours and hours and hours of proof in the stream.

I feel like this draft was meant to be so much more serious than it turned out. But hey, the original was just a title, and started 5 years ago, so there’s no telling where my brain was then.

You’re welcome. Next time we’ll talk about a different nothing.

Be assured, however, we will call that nothing absolutely anything we determine its name to be.