
Considering the fact that this week I’ve been half asleep and slightly miserable every day, I’m really quite content on the inside. It’s my body that refuses to cooperate!

Oh, you guys will get a kick out of this: This morning I had to use the restroom (surprise, surprise), and most everyone was out of the office for just a few minutes a piece. Unfortunately, that meant there was only one other person to catch the phone while I was indisposed. I heard the phone, rushed to get to the nearest one and this is where the funny part comes in. It rang and rang while I ran; the other person didn’t realize she needed to catch it if she could; I reached the closest telephone and reached hurriedly over the desk to get to it. *slip* *bang* *scramble* *scratch* *thud* I gave up and just lay there–squished between the desk and the credenza, my arm caught in the  computer monitor cords, my head aching, my shoes falling off, and started to cry. It was just NOT my day today. Then I realized the dang phone was STILL ringing off the hook, so I made one last mad dive for it–and it stopped. Sheesh.

Last night at ballet I was very slow and sleepy, although I think I did pretty well considering. But at the very end of class, one of the older girls asked me how they were supposed to know when the “brush” was, and so I showed her. The next thing I knew, I was waltzing across the floor on my own, feeling like I was flying! In class, you’re usually very careful to be within the acceptable limits of technique, but afterwards, there are no rules. It was awesome. I think it’s probably the first time I’ve allowed myself to dance freely-uninhibited-knowing what I’m doing, yet not having to concentrate. It’s absolutely amazing. You should try it sometime.

My buddy comes home this weekend. I can hardly wait! We are going to the Lake with the Outsiders and then to Camp Thunder on Saturday. He’s promised to show us Moss Falls if there’s time.

Well, back to studying and working.

Indian Summer 2007

I started an entry yesterday around this time, and then got busy again and lost it. Oh well. I wouldn’t have had anything worth while to say, I’m sure. Even so, I’m not sure today is the best day to put anything down. But I’m bored again.

Ballet class started back Monday night, so that was fun. It helped loosen up some sore muscles I had aquired more recently from water skiing on the lake. What possessed me? Fun. Water. That’s all it takes to persuade me. I had an awesome time, but I was a little sore the next two days. Ok, so I hardly moved all weekend. So?

I love this script. It’s old timey with out being too hard to read.

Dad closes Stallsworth tomorrow at 1 pm and begins repairs on it. The second Howard Pl. goes through the 30th.

MaryBeth and I are planning a little something for Liz’s birthday..we’ll see if we’re able to pull it off. I’ve suddenly got a million obligations for the next few months. But then that’s always how it goes. Nothing for a few months, and then EVERYthing for the next few.

I need to get a decent paint job done on my poor little Jerry, and he’s got an oil leak too. I need to have the oil changed anyhow, but still…Then of course I may as well put alloys on him while I’m at it, since I’ll be keeping him for a while.

So I’ll be out of pocket for that. Plus ballet isn’t that cheap either. Michael is always trying to convince me to fix up my car with an airbrushed emblem, or a cold air intake, or a rear spoiler…He forgets that while his car is HIS hobby, ballet is MINE. So I have to choose between nice looking transportation and hobby. His is one and the same. Oh well. He just wants my car to look nice.

OH…now I remember another reason my calendar is swiftly becoming more confusing than ever….FULLNESS is on again this year!!!! Elyse and I are soooooooooo excited!

Lori and Jim got Branden settled in his new house down at college last weekend. Branden said it went well. He gave me a list of his courses for this year. Most of them I wouldn’t care to take, but he said he’s taking Spanish too, and that I should expect a call from him before his next assignment is due. I guess he thinks I’ll be able to help him somehow.

Last week at Outsiders I made a bunch of miniture pizzas from that dough that was donated, and they went like hot cakes. This week we’ll try it again. Hopefully Lori will be there to help me out though.  Last time it was hectic all by myself. All my helpers had deserted me! Even Alyssa and Becca. Of course Branden was already in Valdosta. Anyway…

Back to work it is…since apparently I have something to do again.